Dr. Clive Frankish BSc, MA, PhD

Dr. Clive Frankish BSc, MA, PhD

Continuing with my academics portrait project I recently photographed Clive Frankish a lecturer at the University of Bristol's department of Experimental Psychology. Here are his answers to a few short questions...

Years studying/in academia: Study (exc primary) 6yrs school, 9 yrs university: academic/research, 36 yrs
Currant highest academic qualification: PhD in Psychology (Cambridge)
Current main area of interest: Language and short-term memory
Current  job title: Senior Lecturer (from August 1st, Senior Research Fellow)

Why academia?
For the pleasure of research, both my own and other people’s. I like puzzles that have delightfully clever solutions - and nature invents all the best ones. And I like the idea of sharing that delight with students. There’s no other job that comes close.

What are your aims for the future?
To continue with research, so long as I can think of interesting things to do. Learn conversational French.  Have fun.

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